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Coding Hiring/Freelance

As a freelancer how do you manage to get access to your client’s accounts?

I am working on an app for a client and for that I need to have access or ask him to create a bunch of accounts (flutterflow, google console, play console, etc…). But this is super anoying because one he has to share with me all the passwords but worse than that there are things that only he can do (like manage certain aspects of the playstore). How do you manage this in your freelance work? 🤔

author Tiago Ferreira

9 Answers

he might create you new company’s email account and share it, so you can create new accounts from this email, which will stay in the company

writen by Peter Kowalczyk

other comapies use one-pass or other apps to manage and share passwords

writen by Peter Kowalczyk

Mostly I create the accounts and manage the access. I either save them in a disk vault or bitwarden. They mostly share their passwords via mail. I try to do it via secured sharing services. It’s handy if you can create email addresses on their behalf. If not a separate email address for you would be a good thing. So they’ll have access even when you don’t work for them anymore but you can do the stuff while they don’t have to care.

writen by Benedikt

I create my own environments, and if their paid (like staging machines or proprietary saas) , i send the expenses invoices with my salary invoice. At the end of the week or sprint I spend a day moving the changes over to prod or to THEIR machines.

writen by Bartolomeu Rodrigues

Peter Kowalczyk that is definitely a cool approach. I guess it would have been much simpler if we had a company email. But some services require phone too. How do you manage that?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

How to manage services that require phone numbers to be used as part of the authentication Benedikt?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Bartolomeu Rodrigues the migration seems quite heavy no? In terms of time you need to spend recreating services, DBS, etc…

writen by Tiago Ferreira

2fa with phone numbers is difficult, indeed. If possible I use different users. One for me and for the customer. If that’s not an option: my phone number with a doc note on how to change this if necessary.

writen by Benedikt

hmm not sure about phone identification Tiago Ferreira, maybe you can change it to authenticator app? but maybe not

writen by Peter Kowalczyk

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