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Coding Marketing

Is there any free or cheap API that gives us cool metrics about a given website? [SOLVED]

For the| I can to provide cool info about the winner like: number of visits, marketing channels, tech ,etc… But I have no idea where I can take that info from…

author Tiago Ferreira

10 Answers

Following this.

How about simply asking in the form submission?

writen by Marc Lou

I could, but I wanted to have something up to date and that did not require a lot of effort

writen by Tiago Ferreira

<@U02A5NPUWKA>, Benedikt or Maxwell Davis?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

I just know similar web but this in not cheap

writen by Wolfgang Gassler

yup, that’s the one I found too Wolfgang Gassler but it is super expensive…

writen by Tiago Ferreira

What exactly do you mean? Like analytics? I mean visits, and campaign related stuff you can easily track from your page. But not everything about the target page

writen by Benedikt

I want to enrich the email I send with the indie lottery by giving more cool info about the product that won. For example what tech is used to build it, the marketing sources, etc…

writen by Tiago Ferreira

actually I was able to strike a deal with them, it seems. Do you think it would be cool for each product to come with the built with info?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

for some it might

writen by Benedikt

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