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Question for the PH Experts here

How do I prepare the crowd for my PH launch?

Question for the PH Experts here

How do I prepare the crowd for my PH launch?

Do I send them a message before the launch? If so what should that message say?

Thank you

author Tiago Ferreira

6 Answers

This could be another good webinar topic

writen by James Trimble

Goutham J and Maxwell Davis any ideas?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Mack on Monday

writen by Maxwell Davis

For my second launch, reaching out to people that already launched on PH and asking for their advice/tips was important. They usually support your launch after because they already know you a little bit before asking directly for the support.

writen by Alejandra Cienfuegos

Hey Tiago Ferreira if you haven’t already I’d post up today that you are launching tomorrow- as Alejandra Cienfuegos says ask for their tips and tricks, use it as an excuse to warm them up ready to vote for you

writen by Maxwell Davis

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