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Any recommendation for a good dark mode for mac that basically makes everything (including browser) dark?

author Tiago Ferreira

16 Answers

Not what you are asking, but I use this bookmarklet to make any site dark mode.

It seems like everything else I’m using often enough has dark mode built-in.


writen by Kirill Rogovoy

If you don’t know what a bookmarklet is, it’s essentially a bookmark in you browser that has JS instead of a URL.

When you click on it, that JS executes against the current page.

writen by Kirill Rogovoy

really? how do I create one?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Just like you create a normal bookmark but paste that JS snippet instead of a URL

writen by Kirill Rogovoy

what??? this is magic! But why not create a plugin instead?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Also it does not work great for some websites

writen by Tiago Ferreira

but for others works really well

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Yeah it just inverts color. Which works in 90% cases in my experience. It also fucks up images. But hey, it took a minute to set up, and you are in control of the code. 😊

writen by Kirill Rogovoy

I found it on some HN thread by the way, not my invention haha

writen by Kirill Rogovoy

There is also this chrome flag, which doesn’t use a filter.

writen by Bartolomeu Rodrigues

Then you go to the settings and enable it like this

writen by Bartolomeu Rodrigues

what is a chrome flag?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

You put <chrome//flags> and you can access special features that are not enabled for most people, like the url bar on the bottom, or forced dark mode

writen by Bartolomeu Rodrigues

It also has some cool utilities for debugging like a flag that considers the localhost as secure (as https), so you can develop progressive apps locally

writen by Bartolomeu Rodrigues

man. this is really cool. Thanks Bartolomeu Rodrigues

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Anytime. I found them because I also wanted dark mode but it wasn’t a thing back then

writen by Bartolomeu Rodrigues

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