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Anyone knows any SaaS that can help with SSH-ing into remote machines without having to open a port publicly ?

Similar to, but something simpler and cheaper.

author Suvojit Manna

9 Answers

If you are in AWS it has SSM Sessions manager. There is not ports or etc you need to open As well it is free

Once setup, you can connect to terminal via browser or if you install AWS CLi, you can connect to it locally Something like this:

writen by Vlad

What’s the use case though?

writen by Kirill Rogovoy

Thanks for the info Vlad, but unfortunately we’re not on AWS. I have a few local GPU servers that I want to make available online through SSH. So looking for something where i can install an agent on the machines and it can connect to some SaaS dashboard.

writen by Suvojit Manna but probably free version has limitations) So, you would have to pay for it..

writen by Vlad

What about port knocking?

writen by Benedikt

Can be configured for free

writen by Benedikt

But you should still use pub/private key pairs for logging into ssh

writen by Benedikt

Ah should have clicked the link. That’s a different scenario

writen by Benedikt

But what’s wrong with opening the SSH port in this scenario?

writen by Kirill Rogovoy

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