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Anyone really tried Fiverr, Upwork or some different platform to offer their services as Freelancers?

No offense, but I can’t compete with people from India, who do every job for $5 😊

author WBE User

3 Answers

The thing is there are plenty of folk that are fed up of Indian’s who do it for dirt cheap since the quality is often completely terrible.

I did UpWork and I made the mistake of going cheap. The client was terrible to the point they literally claimed I did nothing.

writen by Iain Cambridge

Also it’s possible to offer small things (automated at best) for low on fiverr and charge normal prices for upsells.

writen by Benedikt

As a software engineer, I wasn’t able to find any work on UpWork even after sending dozens of proposals. I suspect it’s because there are so many low-ballers on there. Ended up going through a niche agency for startups and found a great gig in a couple of days. Fiverr was a similar situation.

writen by Skylar Givens

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