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Product Hunt Tools Bootstrapping

Anyone recommends and used a startup submit service for lower tier directories (so not PH for example)?

author WBE User

3 Answers

Honestly, I’ve not known anyone that has gotten much traction from the smaller start up directories to the point where I wouldn’t recommend worrying about posting there unless you really need backlinks for SEO

writen by WBE User

I have heard great things from Betalist. But never used one of those services you mentioned

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Yeah, I had posted across several lower tier directories. Not great for conversion or large volume of traffic but helped with discoverability

Personally I would say if you have the time, do it. They may not result in direct traffic but sometimes picked up by other newsletters. For example, my product http://Resumey.Pro|Resumey.Pro was picked up by some Russian and some UI design related newsletters. It’s just about making your product more visible but don’t have high hopes from them

writen by Kavya

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