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Tools Marketing

Do you guys plan and write marketing content on your own? [SOLVED]

If not then, can you please suggest any content planning / generator tools and content calendars?

author Ankit CK

7 Answers

For now, I plan and write my own marketing content.

Which channels are you targeting?

writen by Kavya

Blog and Twitter only for now. Do you use any planners, frameworks?

writen by Ankit CK

Goutham J and Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter) might have good insights here

writen by Tiago Ferreira

I write my own content and do not use any tool. I try to write about topics I am passionate about and that I believe are missing in the market. Quite often I reuse my content on IH and Twitter. But don’t forget to use the canonical link if you do repurpose your blog for IH

writen by Tiago Ferreira

I usually write my own marketing content. Recently I tried an AI text generation tool (created by an indie hacker BTW)

AI-generated content is a bit controversial, as Google states that they would recognize it and lower your website rank somehow. But it was very effective, instead of starting with a blank page, I got a very good draft of the article and I refined it.

No frameworks, but if you find any that are effective, please let us know

writen by Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)

Thus far, I’ve only written content on my own. Haven’t tried AI tools as there’s a word of fear around Google penalizing them. But I think it might make sense just as Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter) mentions. I might try this too

writen by Goutham J

If you are happy with the answer Ankit CK please mark it as solved with reaction

writen by Tiago Ferreira

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