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does anyone here have financial books for their business that they manage?

what do you do to manage it today?

author Matt Gale

23 Answers

what kind of books? XD financial books?

writen by Tiago Ferreira


writen by Matt Gale

(updated :D)

writen by Matt Gale

do you manage your books yourself? how did you pick wave?

writen by Matt Gale

I do. I tried hiring a bookkeeper but it didn’t go well. Wave is free and looked good.

writen by James Trimble

mm bookkeeper woes what happened?

writen by Matt Gale

She just didn’t put the information in correctly. I hired someone from the Philippines which might have been part of the problem.

writen by James Trimble

I have a Canadian accountant

writen by Asli Kahraman

What’s the difference between a book keeper and an accountant?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Asli Kahraman oh- are you based in canada? do you get your accountant to both your bookkeeping and filings?

writen by Matt Gale

Tiago Ferreira a bookkeeper tracks all your expenses, enters receipts, helps you with sales tax remittances, all the records for the day to day expenses/incomes of the company

your accountant takes the ledger that is the output of the bookkeeping process and does higher level things for you that you need a professional designation to sign off on. For me, thats doing my corporate taxes, but they can do tons of stuff- bespoke financial modeling (i had mine build a calculator for me that i used to estimate the returns of a government program i could use to quote clients), anything under M&A, they can advise you around all things financial

writen by Matt Gale

accountants are capable of doing both jobs, but very often you hire someone cheaper to do bookkeeping because it doesnt need a professional designation to perform but theres no book keeping certifications, so literally anyone can be a book keeper

writen by Matt Gale

Got it. We have an accountant. It’s actually mandatory to have one if you have a company in Portugal. But up until now I have been doing my own book keeping

writen by Tiago Ferreira

yep- lots of people, especially small businesses do their own bookkeeping, tahts very normal

writen by Matt Gale

Matt Gale yes, Toronto, no just the filings I’m not there yet to get him to do the bookkeeping as well

writen by Asli Kahraman

do you do your own bookkeeping?

writen by Matt Gale

or do you need to keep your books?

writen by Matt Gale

yes my partner and I do it. super boring process. if you want to do your own, I’d suggest quickbooks

writen by Asli Kahraman

i did my own books for a while then hired a bookkeeper who does it for me now. I use quickbooks too- its meh but it works

writen by Matt Gale

have you considered outsourcing your books?

writen by Matt Gale

yes, and decided not to do it until i make more money and more transactions going on in my business

writen by Asli Kahraman

yeah, i feel you

writen by Matt Gale

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