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Coding Marketing

Have you guys used a simple affiliate marketing or referral programe/system/app that you would recommend?

author Ida Radovanovic

12 Answers

<https//> is free (in terms of a subscription) and is made by a fellow indie maker

writen by Maxwell Davis

Not used it myself but I’ve seen it mentioned as an alternative to rewardful which is expensive to use to start (although mature)

writen by Maxwell Davis

thank you, i opened the link

writen by Ida Radovanovic

WBE User has also implemented an affilaite system

writen by Tiago Ferreira| 35% for up to two years recurring for wannabe members.

writen by WBE User

What tool did you endup using Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

I’m using Rewardful, despite being quite expensive, which is a problem. Because as long as time passes, people start using your referral link, and it becomes very difficult to change affiliate product. It’s a kind of lock-in…

writen by Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)

One of the reasons to implement your own affiliate system. But unsure if I would do it again… I originally thought a few days and I am done. It ended up as 5-6 weeks part time.

writen by WBE User

But now I have full control and no costs, which allows me to increase the commission for my partners :)

writen by WBE User

Funny thing is dev speed as a single founder. It would take my average client probably 3 month with a team of 3-5 devs (plus manager and Scrum master and…) for the same functionality

writen by WBE User

No sure if it’s the same for other devs here.. But I hear this pattern very often…

writen by WBE User

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