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Could you give me your opinion if this makes it better?

Hey everyone! From feedback, people don’t seem to understand quickly what IsDown is all about, so I’m trying to make some changes to the homepage. Especially the image that I use.

  1. Current (you can see the live version at

  2. New version with a new image.

Thank you in advance!

author WBE User

2 Answers

The H1 needs improvement in my opinion. Is kind of confusing. Something simpler like: ‘monitor all your business dependences’. The image is good but maybe try to make it even more clear by showing that if a business depends on slack then it will get notified if it is down. Another option could be to record a video. I did it for the wbe space and it works well.

writen by Tiago Ferreira

The image does not really help me. Maybe show an example for 1 flow / 1 app down.

writen by Ruben

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