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How can we get more events?

Hey Peeps. I need your advice! After asking around I noticed that most of the people that are in the WBE Space are here to connect with other like minded people. And even though slack is a great tool, we need to have more face 2 face events!

What kind of events would you like to participate in?

author Tiago Ferreira

10 Answers

While it’s true I want to connect to like-minded people I honestly do not have the time for more events.

writen by Benedikt

so are you satisfied with only engaging on slack?

writen by Tiago Ferreira


writen by Benedikt

The monthly meetups we used to do were great Tiago. In which we had discussions on certain topics

writen by Suvojit Manna

Are monthly meetups enough or would you prefer to meet more regularly Suvojit Manna?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

More regular meetups will be great but I don’t think everyone can spare the time to do weekly. IMO it’s best to create tiers:

• Weekly meetup and want to work together: Accelerator • Weekly meetup and have fun: Friday Happy hours on some topic (Some kind of hot seat will be great here, if someone has a big learning that week they want to share) • For everyone else: Monthly meetup on some extensive topic

writen by Suvojit Manna

I liked the monthly meetups and want more of them. I would also join more frequent meetups, but at this point in my life I don’t have much time for that with the small kids around me half of my time. Probably in a year or two when they are more autonomous, the situation will be easier.

writen by Aidas Bendoraitis

Yeah I would LOVE to have more face to face meetings but I don’t have enough time : juggling with too much stuff right now

writen by Luc

Exactly what Aidas Bendoraitis said

writen by Benedikt

Yup, I can see that time is a problem among the wbe members XD

writen by Tiago Ferreira

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