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does anyone have any suggestions on what they think is the best one out there? [SOLVED]

hey WBErs, im looking at using a AI copywriting tool to help me bash out copy faster for a range of things.

I’m happy to pay as long as it’s good. Played around with a few but hard to tell without really paying and using them for a while

Quillbot and jasper look interesting so far…

author Myron Jay

9 Answers

Myron I have a killer tip for you. If you’re open to a little manual prompting, you can sign up for and use it for copywriting. You can use it for a bunch of stuff. And it’s pennies instead of $50 or whatever.

writen by Amí Naeily

they have a playground so you dont have to hook it up to the api. otherwise, I LOVE writesonic 1st and| 2nd

writen by Amí Naeily

I’ve been using Peppertype, great so far

writen by WBE User

any reasons you prefer your choices versus other options youve tried?

writen by Myron Jay

Amí Naeily going the openai route is really interesting, they all pretty much use GPT3 anyway dont they

writen by Myron Jay

Yes, they all GPT-3. Go with the Openai

writen by Ankit CK

To answer the preference question, Writesonic builds nice landing pages. But Copy AI has idea generators with more specific configurations.

writen by Amí Naeily

Awesome thanks for the tips sall

writen by Myron Jay

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