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How do you guys find trusted contractors?

I’m looking for someone to help with come content writing for marketing my products.

author Justin Allen

4 Answers

For my designer I used upwork, did my best to find a good one based on reviews and original and got pretty lucky. I wasn’t as lucky with my bookkeeper search.

writen by James Trimble

So Upwork is a hit or miss experience, so is Fiverr.

writen by Justin Allen

Linkedin, specially if they have a lot of common connections. Search for a skill, pick the top results, or ask one of your common connections to introduce them

writen by Bartolomeu Rodrigues

Bartolomeu Rodrigues strategy with LinkedIn is a fantastic one, and the best place to start.. I have had success with Fiverr by messaging people before working with them, ask a question or two and see how they respond. For me communication is often more helpful (or as helpful) as their skills so if their response is sub par don’t work with them and you’ve saved yourself time. The best consultants will charge more but you can arbitrage it by finding new people who are charging less to build their profile/rating/reviews etc

writen by Owen

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