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Tools Coding Marketing Email

How do you send emails to customers?

I’m thinking about marketing emails, news about new implemented features, authentication (verify email etc.)

Would love some good email editor + nice API + automations

Any suggestions for tools?

author WBE Member

5 Answers

I have been using Sendinblue, it has a nice email editor. The API seems good too. You can check that out.

writen by WBE Member

I use Sendfox, but it is the most basic of the basic, free, get started, tool. I don’t know what API means exactly? I actually stopped using it because my email news wasn’t ready for it.

writen by WBE Member

I love mailchimp and the thought they’ve put into every small interaction - but it’s expensive if you’re doing automation.

Sendinblue makes me angry everytime I use it …. but it’s free limits are high so still using it.

writen by WBE Member

I have been using Mailerlite for marketing emails.

Authentication and all of this now I’m using Fiirebase, before that I used Amazon SES with some projects

writen by WBE Member

I use Postmark for transaction emails and it has the best API and deliverability is high. Its email editor though is pretty basic.

writen by WBE Member

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