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How is it possible, that analytics tools like Simple Analytics bypass VPN and can know my location? [SOLVED]

I’m using double VPN from NordVPN and Simple Analytics still correctly tracks my location even when my IP is changed and there is not other way, right?

author Dobroslav Radosavljevič

18 Answers

Did they get your IP before you went on the VPN?

writen by Stephen N

They might have tagged you before you went on the VPN and then it doesnt update your IP.

They might even know your going through a VPN and discard the VPN ip address.

Maybe, just guessing. It does sound funny.

writen by Stephen N

That would be my guess too

writen by Tiago Ferreira

But actually when I am with VPN on splitbee changes my location to the one of the VPN. So maybe it’s an issue with your VPN?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Either there’s not all traffic routed through the VPN or they already could identify you (fingerprinting) before you used the VPN

writen by Benedikt

I used different browsers. With VPN on and off

writen by Dobroslav Radosavljevič

No way they could get fingerprint in different browser with vpn on

writen by Dobroslav Radosavljevič

Then maybe not all traffic goes through VPN

writen by Benedikt

NordVPN is one of the best. I can bypass pretty much anything with it and it changes my ip everytime. But for some reason, simple analytics still can track m

writen by Dobroslav Radosavljevič

Have you tried Tor?

writen by Benedikt

Maybe try with that and see if it changes the results. If they (simple analytics) use some kind of cross reference with other sites using it that might be a very sophisticated reason as well

writen by Benedikt

From the documentation

> In contrast with most services that collect countries based on IP address, we collect them based on the visitors time zone.

writen by Sanat Hegde

Here’s their test this yourself page -

writen by Sanat Hegde

That’s actually very clever

writen by Benedikt

they use the browser timezone. good one

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Now it makes sense

writen by Dobroslav Radosavljevič

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