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How much planning is too much planning?

We are in the process of setting goals and planning work for Q1 2024

I feel most of the time we get excited about planning but when it comes to execution, we don’t have enough bandwidth.

But at the same time, we are afraid that if we implement without a clear direction and strategy, we may not be able to achieve our desired income

author Kavya

7 Answers

I am currently writing this project proposal and they have a very complex planning scheme that I have to use. I try to really plan in a Smart way focusing on a less-is-more perspective: do something that contributes to the long term goal, nothing can be achieved in one day.

writen by Luise Haack

From my personal perspective: everything takes a little bit longer than expected, but if you plan to do something totally new, it might take up to 3 times longer than estimated.

Direction is a must. Estimates are approximate. Outcomes are unpredictable.

writen by Aidas Bendoraitis

I think planning and research is actually the most important job of an entrepreneur. It’s important to be constantly strategising and analysing the results. The operations part is the easy part because you just have to do it and you can most of the times outsource it.

With that said, I don’t think one should spend days thinking about what to do for each outcome possible. Come up with a hypothesis, test it and adapat

writen by Tiago Ferreira

<@U04L877V3Q9>, and Wolfgang Gassler what are your thoughts?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

you can also miss your goals with a clear direction and strategy … I think it depends on style of working. Some people need goals, for others it is counterproductive . The direction/vision should be clear, everything else depends on the people, at least this is my 2cents

writen by Wolfgang Gassler

Yeah have a clear goal and direction, maybe an outline and then go for it. You will learn a lot of new stuff on the way (and still often enough fail )

writen by Benedikt

Thanks everyone for your inputs!

My takeaway: set aside some time to think of goals and vision, be clear about what we want to achieve and dive into implementation. The path may not be as predicted but as long as we have a goal in mind, we can tweak our estimates and process to achieve the goal

writen by Kavya

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