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How to name the blog, where you can find posts about making money, developing things, marketing, design and other similar stuff combined?

author WBE User

9 Answers

Have you tried chatGPT?

writen by Kamal Kannan

Yes, but I’m also trying real people

writen by WBE User

But I already figured it out by myself

writen by WBE User

Because other good domains were taken

writen by WBE User


writen by LaLa Artica


writen by Kirill Rogovoy

You can also just name it after yourself if it’s you blog.

writen by Kirill Rogovoy

WBE User You know about the NOW movement? From Derek Sivers. You had mentioned about getting the Bento DR. So DR Now could be fun.

writen by LaLa Artica

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