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Payment Coding Bootstrapping

What would you choose for payments?

I’m about to create a website with a downloadable Database of (German) finance offices.

Eventually, if my hypothesis is right, I plan for an API as well.

The plan is a one-time price (including 1-year support) + a yearly support plan.

Right now I have in mind:

  1. Stripe (needs an integration, but it doesn’t seem too hard).

  2. Gumroad (not sure about the plan thing and it got a bit more expensive, but it’s quite easy)

  3. digistore24 (similar to Gumroad, lots of features, a bit cheaper (last time I looked))

What do you think?

author Benedikt

3 Answers

Go for the simplest solution that makes your product work and at the same time allows you to see if people are willing to pay. What do you think <@U0432163LTS>, Matthias Endler?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Curios to hear what you decided on Benedikt.

writen by Matthias Endler

Probably going for digistore24 Matthias Endler

writen by Benedikt

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