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How many of you see a value proposition here?

I’m building and growing this tool which helps webmasters and marketers make Google Analytics GDPR Compliant and stops Ad-Blockers from blocking it.

Moreover, according to you, what would be a “comfortable” price you’ll surely pay for it?

author WBE User

5 Answers

I recently wrote my own (very basic) analytics tool so I’m probably out as a target. But it seems to be a good idea, especially for users already used to GA and want to keep using it.

writen by Benedikt

Yeah, more focused towards marketers and data enthusiasts

writen by WBE User

Regarding pricing: it’s probably expected to be low since GA itself is ‘free’

writen by Benedikt

I see.

writen by WBE User

This sounds interesting. Have you considered the impact of Universal Analytics sunset on this product? Will it work with GA4? Also, there are some privacy friendly tools like Plausible- you should benchmark your pricing with them. It will really depend on how easy it is to integrate with GA as GA itself is pretty complicated beyond their out-of-the-box dashboards.

writen by Subro C

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