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Should I just accept all of them?

I only accept linked in connections from people In actually connected to by either having met or interacted somehow. I have a lot of requests from people in my industry that I haven’t worked with but that have some interest in working with me or have mutual connections.

author James Trimble

25 Answers

Why not?

writen by Benedikt

Linked in recommends using connections for people you know and follow for everyone else but it seems people rarely follow.

writen by James Trimble

Yes and most of the time they request a connection

writen by Benedikt

Seems like a broken system but I guess the best way to use it is just to connect with everyone.

writen by James Trimble

I had the same conclusion

writen by Benedikt

I sometimes accept a lot of connections and sometimes I don’t.

Actually, I do prefer if people leave a note with their connection request. Thus, at least I know they haven’t just followed the algorithm’s suggestion.

I am a bit more critical regarding people I only share contacts with that I haven’t met either.

And: If you don’t have many connections yet, it’s probably more of a numbers game than later.

writen by Luise Haack

Think of it this way:

When you’ve got something to say, more people will see it in their feeds (for free!). But you can choose to ignore all of them by default after accepting the connection. 😊

writen by Kirill Rogovoy

I normally accept them all. There’s a brief window of time that that person will be exposed to my last posts. If he or she likes the post, here network will see them too.

writen by Bartolomeu Rodrigues

Thanks everyone

writen by James Trimble

Counterpoint. I only accept connection of people I have some relation to either former co-worker, people from communities, recruiters, people I met at conferences etc. This helps me maintain a high quality network.

I don’t accept random strangers even if they add a note. Most of the time they want to sell something shortly after or are fake accounts. I noticed a growing amount of fake accounts especially in the lead generation space.

Two things that are helpful: I keep the connection requests (so I can accept anytime if I change my mind) and you can message with people who send you connection requests.

At previous employeers the recommendation was to not accept strangers due to social engineering risk.

writen by Pascal Bovet

Hi guys, I need a 5sec help I am testing this new platform for my Island life, can you help and click ‘save trip’ I want to see if it will help me with the algorithm? Click here: Thank you so much Luise Haack Kirill Rogovoy James Trimble Bartolomeu Rodrigues Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter) Pere Ayats Tiago Ferreira Maimoona (Mei) Maxwell Davis Goutham J Pascal Bovet

writen by Ida Radovanovic

Something in their website broke. I’m not able to get past the ‘Add missing information’ form after I signed up

writen by Bartolomeu Rodrigues


writen by Ida Radovanovic

writen by Ida Radovanovic

Do you see this screen, and in left corners ‘save trip’? Bartolomeu Rodrigues

writen by Ida Radovanovic

Yes. I’m just stuck in this modal after I signed up. It doesnt go away

writen by Bartolomeu Rodrigues

Hmmm ok tnxxx I ll send them a msg to see

writen by Ida Radovanovic

Thank you so much Bartolomeu Rodrigues

writen by Ida Radovanovic

Any time

writen by Bartolomeu Rodrigues

writen by Ida Radovanovic

I have the same problem. I can’t get past this screen. (And, yes, I had my email in there).

writen by James Trimble

Hmmm so not user friendly at all nooooo Tnxx James Trimble

writen by Ida Radovanovic

I was able to sign up with my email

writen by Luise Haack

So one of my friends is a ‘LinkedIn’ guru - runs a big agency.

He has two points of view on this:

  1. Accept everyone - why not you’ve got 30,000 possible connections
  2. You should be curating your audience just like Twitter So basically there is a growth versus value question here.

writen by Maxwell Davis

Makes sense

writen by Benedikt

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