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Is anyone here using SendGrid payed plan?

Is it worth it or are there cheaper services? 🤔

author Tiago Ferreira

10 Answers

I’ve seen mailgun and mailjet recommended here before. I don’t know how they compare with pricing. I’m pretty sure that another one was recommended here before (perhaps by Wolfgang Gassler), but because the WBE Slack community is on the free plan I can’t go further back than 90 days in search history. Personally I’ve been using the free plan of sendinblue which is better than the sendgrid free plan.

writen by Philip

depends what you need. I use sendinblue free for a small newsletter and for my servers I use mailgun via SMTP.

writen by Wolfgang Gassler

mailgun is not cheap, coupler of thousands mails are already 2-3$/month but at least pay as you go and other services usually start with a higher monthly fee

writen by Wolfgang Gassler

I am sending about 200 emails per day (but it’s growing quickly). SendGrid costs $20 a month and provides exactly what I need. Allows me to create dynamic templates for which I can use the API to send emails to all participants. The only thing is that $20 seems a lot…

writen by Tiago Ferreira

You could also use MailChimp. Allows you to send 2000 emails for free and they also have an API. I haven’t used the API with the free plan though, so you would need to check if it’s included.

writen by Philip

Does it allow for dynamic templates too Philip?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

What do you mean? You can create templates inside MailChimp.

writen by Philip

Stuff like this where you can define the variables with the api

writen by Tiago Ferreira

You should be able to if I remember correctly. It’s pretty configurable.

writen by Philip

I switched SendGrid to Sendy+Amazon SES, resulting in the cost cut by 85%

writen by Luo Baishun

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