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Would you consider this and look into it further or better decline now?

Today I got an offer to join a sales SaaS company in Munich as a remote CTO.

While at first this is interesting I’m reluctant to join any startup I haven’t founded myself right now.

And there’s a red flag: it seems the former team split ways recently so either the CEO/main founder is a difficult person or they might have to pivot/have issues.

author Benedikt

17 Answers

what are the pros and cons?

writen by Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)

Pros: - more startup experience, positioning in Management Cons: - delaying my projects, - less development

writen by Benedikt

It could also be that the former CTO was a difficult person. It looks like a great chance for you to gain some experience as a CTO, although that could be quite stressful. But the only way to find out is to give it a go…

writen by Philip

You’re right Philip. I left that out because it wouldn’t matter much Yeah I probably have to talk to them :see_no_evil:

writen by Benedikt

Finding out what the issues were, what the tech stack is and it could also mean develop all the shit (because CTO=lead dev=only dev)

writen by Benedikt

if you want to position yourself in management is a good opportunity. after a brief experience there, you could easily apply as an engineering manager in many tech companies (if it’s what you’re looking for).

writen by Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)

I agree with Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter). If you want one day to be CTO this can be a great opportunity. But do your due diligence

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Yeah, will try. Just got the confirmation that there’s no way with trivago anymore.

writen by Benedikt

what do you think:

writen by Benedikt

Here is a little update: I had a talk with the recruiter today. It sounds pretty cool, the goal here is to really digitalize the sale process and make content presentation and exchange more smooth. Techstack is mainly node+angular. The only downside for me right now is (as a having the principal income): Payment is very low at the beginning (~3k/m), after the next seed it’s expected to grow (~5-7k). If there’ll be another investment raise it’ll be around 100k which would be great of course. Plus some substantial equity.

writen by Benedikt

Did you discuss the equity? I have worked at a startup where they promised equity. In the end, they were about to suggest me a fraction of 1%, like 0.2% or 0.02% (I can’t remember the details, but I left the startup, because it was driven only on hopes).

writen by Aidas Bendoraitis

Yes, 25% or more. So that’s not bad

writen by Benedikt

But my leeway is pretty thin right now so it’s probably not an option in the end. But it was very interesting

writen by Benedikt

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this product before

writen by Maxwell Davis

At first glance, it does not seem a very unique product for me Benedikt. When working for others, even if a startup, my mindset is always that I need to gain something from it now (not if the company succeeds). So either salary or something you really want to learn, etc… Also, ask everything about the startup, don’t shy away. What is the runway, whats their margins, how many clients, etc… Anyways, a salary cut like that would be a red flag for me unless I have really great alternate reasons to stay on board (like learning, great growth metrics, etc…)

writen by Tiago Ferreira

When did you take a look into my brain Tiago Ferreira? :sweat_smile::joy: My thinking was very similar and that’s why I turned it down now

writen by Benedikt

Well, I worked in Germany for most of my adult life. So probably we have a similar mindset in regards to work XD

writen by Tiago Ferreira

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