Productivity Event
Author(s): Tiago, Aidas
Here is what we have learned from the WBE Space Event about Productivity.
Aidas’ Presentation
The event started with a great presentation from our member Aidas about productivity. Here are the most relevant links:
Mentioned terms:
50 productivity tips on Goals, Awareness, Declutter, Habits, Priorities, Planning, Efficiency, Teamwork, Shortcuts, and Self-Care were based on this guide
Relevant Books
chrome extension tracks on which websites you spend the most time
Member’s Personal Tips
- Plan the week in advance - Shaby, Alejandra
- Uses a Todo list app for your daily planning, and recommends The Practicing Mind Book - Vishal
- Start with the first step even if you still don’t know the next will be - Sam
- Use trello boards to keep track of all the todo tasks and keep the main goals in mind - Tiago, Max
- Outsource the tasks that you don’t like doing - Max
- Have a building routine. Every morning take one hour for your side project - Luca
- Journaling daily tasks, split todos into very small steps and recommends the Get Things Done Book - Marc
- 90 min working cycles, brain dump when you have too many ideas in your brain - Justyna
- Switching between two tasks helps keep the focus - Matias
- Make the task appealing so that you would want to do it - Wolfy (and his blog post about it)