Bootstrapper's Questions
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All 347 Questions
Probably already asked around here, but when did you felt confortable enough to dive into your business full-time?
Can you point me towards a cool JS framework that is lighter than react but heavier than vanilla javascript? [SOLVED]
Is anyone using (or has used in the past) auth0 for authentication for their project?
Does anyone know why ‘npm run develop’ is not refreshing when I change the CSS classes? [SOLVED]
does anyone here have financial books for their business that they manage?
What tool can you recommend to send thousands of cold emails per day?
When you create bots (twitter bots, Slack bots, etc) from where do you run them?
Should I make this as info product and sell it at gumroad?
What is your conversion rate (from landing page visit to payed user)? [SOLVED]
How is it possible, that analytics tools like Simple Analytics bypass VPN and can know my location? [SOLVED]
Has anyone here considered TikTok / Instagram reels as one of the main marketing channels for your SaaS?
Is there any tool available that generates site-maps by running the JS first?
what do you suggest to manage cookie consents, terms and conditions, and privacy policy?
Would you consider this and look into it further or better decline now?
As an entrepreneur do you have to provide a physical address where you live/operate?
Does someone know a webservice which lets me connect an API and provides signups, billing, and user handling out of the box?
Any recommendation for a good dark mode for mac that basically makes everything (including browser) dark?
Is there a way to forward an old Twitter handle to a new one? [SOLVED]
How can I deploy a python function with a requirements.txt file on digital ocean? [SOLVED]
What is the best way to identify unique website users (without accounts) to make something similar like from Marc Lou ?
DKIM etc. should be set up correctly, which means I shouldn’t have any problems with e-mail reputation. Am I right?
Podcasters and listeners to podcasts here: what’s your take on podcasts on YouTube?
Have you ever developed and maintained a product white label for a customer?
Anyone know where I can find this style images but in different colours?
Have you guys used a simple affiliate marketing or referral programe/system/app that you would recommend?
What is the impact of SEO if some of the content in my page is scraped from some other source ? [SOLVED]
Can someone recommend a knowledgebase tool - that’s good for SEO as well?
Can anyone recommend a good text2speech api at a good price? [SOLVED]
Anyone can recommend a good accountant in the US that can help us do the book keeping and all that is needed to create a company there?
Why are people coming to podsqueeze from google searching podsqueeze? [SOLVED]
Any recommendations for cost-effective drip email software? [SOLVED]
Where do you publish your articles about indie hacking?
Is it possible to use Paddle for 1-time payments (multiple times) for things like featuring something on my website?
which price should I ask for a 1h session?
Do you know someone personally or are you a part of a remote company and can connect me with people?
I’m curious. Would you pay for the advice of a successful indie hacker/entrepreneur?
Is there any free or cheap API that gives us cool metrics about a given website? [SOLVED]
What are your plans for your business in this upcoming holiday season along with BFCM?
Would you still make this possible or just answer ‘I’m sorry (Dave), I can’t do that ‘?
Anyone here has released an app with LinkedIn integration? [SOLVED]
Hi. Do you know some app, which uses AI to generate tweet ideas, thread hooks, etc.?
I tried the add crazy spacing (looks ugly now) but it’s still being rejected. Any idea? [SOLVED]
How to name the blog, where you can find posts about making money, developing things, marketing, design and other similar stuff combined?
What software do you use to manage your windows in your big monitor? [SOLVED]
Why are people more willing to buy a course or a book for $20+ than joining a community or buying a logo for $10?
As a freelancer how do you manage to get access to your client’s accounts?
What are non-tech business ideas you would be interested in pursuing?
Anyone knows any SaaS that can help with SSH-ing into remote machines without having to open a port publicly ?
Should that top checkbox select all rows, that are currently found (280) or only rows, which are on current table page?
SEO: any ideas why blog entries don’t get shown with a description on Google search results?
Is it better to have product documentation for users at subdomain| or rather at route| ?
Should the In App Purchase to unlock App Icon Changer act like you are buying each app icon, say $0.99USD or have the unlock be for the feature and allow you to pick any of the icons, for $3.99?
Anyone have more actionable resources on how to grow a faceless YouTube channel?
Hi people. So, how much do you care about exit pages in your analytics?
Any suggestions for consultants who focus on small SaaS businesses and can give customized, targeted advice?
Can one connect a NoCode tool like Bubble or Thunkable with a JSON coming from a REST endpoint? [SOLVED]
How do I build share buttons that automatically fills up content ? [SOLVED]
Hey folks, I’m looking for early user feedback for my productivity extension Focus Turtle: <
Anyone know if there’s a legal way I can get a company to pay me money that is owed and refused to pay me?
How to move childnodes between parent nodes in a nosql db like firebase? What twitter tools do I miss there?
Launching a podcast soon. What is your podcast tech stack? [SOLVED]
hi, i’m looking to create a (high quality) promo / demo video for a digital product, any advise on which tools/software are good for this?
Hey there stripe users What is the best way to create a stripe payment link and then connect that user with a slack user id? [SOLVED]
Any ideas why DigitalOcean functions keeps throwing ‘Make sure to install the ‘google-cloud-firestore’ module’?
Someone on X got a message with $0.01 on PayPal and said it was creepy. What do you think?
Hi guys, do you have a recommendation for esay reviews/testemonials website or a plug in? [SOLVED]
Currently looking in Chargebee and Gumroad. What are the others?
Do you think I should create another podcast only to share my interviews?
I am thinking on selling on Gumroad. Any one has experience with that?
What would be the best length for the trial period of my SaaS?
Any thoughts / suggestions of what I should ask her, find out from her during the call?
To all the athletes, runners Piotr Bryla Pere Ayats Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter) and people with external activities - how do you manage your time?
Has anyone generated anything using Dall-e, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion for something important rather than just fun?
How did you validate or know that your startup idea is worth pursuing?
Does anyone of you use an affiliate network to promote your SaaS?
Do you know anyone competent or how to find a good professional in these areas?
Do you know if it is possible to measure returning users with Splitbee?
Question for the PH Experts here
How do I prepare the crowd for my PH launch?
Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter) and everyone else using Hivoe: what’s your typical response rate for the welcome message?
What software can I use with Mac Big Sur to blur the background of my built-in webcam with any video recorder or streamer?
I never posted on Indie Hackers and wanted to fix it. Do you have any tips for posting on IH? [SOLVED]
Do you think it’s worth launching Userdesk on PH?
Do you write your own for these pages, or are templates generally available ?
Is there anything that I can add to this example file (ie it’s link, as I can’t change any code) to trigger a browser to download the file instead of just open it?
If you were to start over with your startup, what’s one thing you’d do differently?
SaaS developers, if you notice that there is a bug that has affected several users, how do you deal with information about the fix?
do you know an easy to integrate (in Next.js) tool to manage a changelog / product updates, possibly with a widget to integrate in the page?
if I have a tool that helps you find business class flights to book, if I write a few blog posts on my site about the best business class products, and get the necessary backlinks to those blog posts, is that enough to drive traffic to my site?
Is there anyone who has JungleScout and wouldn’t mind running a query on this listing?
How do you write automatic emails from your SaaS projects: as yourself (a person) or as “we” (fictional team of the project)?
Does anyone know where to find a stock video that looks like a living room with a fireplace and a burning fire? [SOLVED]
How would you realistically measure the max MRR Podsqueeze (or any other SaaS) can reach?
Is anyone here writing online or sharing updates on their progress consistently that would be interested in being an accountability buddy?
Looking for great podcast episodes. No matter what topic. Any recommendations?
Solo-entrepreneurs, how do you prospect early users for your ideas and product?
My simple doubt is, do you think it’s worth posting articles on platforms like IH during the holidays?
I spend a lot of time reading about incorporation. C Corp vs LLC, Delaware vs NY, Stripe Atlas / Clerky vs something local. For the sake of simplicity I’m currently leaning towards using a NY local agent to register my LLC in NY. Anybody thinking this is a stupid idea?
Would you trust a community server to deploy your app analytics?
What are your thoughts one getting competitors sponsored slots in my podcast?
As a freelancer do you bill the time you take to learn and figure things out?
I’d be grateful if you can fill this short survey. Shouldn’t take more than 2 minutes?
Hi folks! Would anyone here be connected to a litigator or e-discovery counsel?
What’s your current biggest struggle when it comes to your startup?
Is it normal to have a time gap before users commit to pay for you SaaS?
What to look for when hiring a freelance developer? [SOLVED]
Anyone really tried Fiverr, Upwork or some different platform to offer their services as Freelancers?
Has anyone experience in creating an affiliate program for your SaaS?
Hello. What is the beast approach to build url shortener like this?
Hi @everyone
Anyone has successfully setup custom hostnames with Cloudflare?
Hi All! Is there anyone here who is really good at writing cold emails who could share some tips or recommend any webinars?
Out of curiosity from fellow builders, how have YOU validated your product and/or business? [SOLVED]
Does my app need to be approved by apple for me to be able to test the subscriptions?
With DaisyUI how do you add a dropdown to a text input, as in when the text input is activated the dropdown activates ?
Does anyone of you send transactional emails from your website using Fastmail SMTP?
If I had to look for someone to advise me how to do pricing, plans and billing on my startup, what kind of professional or title would I be looking for?
I’m working on new design for Do you like pure black more or should I stick with current design?
Looking for an advice
What are the best websites where you can submit your product?
• Does ChatGPT use the Davinci open AI model for text completion or something else?
Anyone recommends and used a startup submit service for lower tier directories (so not PH for example)?
Anyone knows why I get an error while trying to subscribe to the app? [SOLVED]
Looking to add an affiliate program with but also looks good any tips?
What are the channels that brought you the best results in the short/mid term?
As small business owners, what do you think they’d want to learn about?
Is there any ‘doodle’ like service that allows for the participants to pick the date and the time on all the days they are available?
Does it make sense to reach out and see if there is the possiblity of cross marketing, so they mention my product in scenarios where it makes sense and I mention theirs?
Or is it so, that you need to pay whenever other people are involved in your scheduling? [SOLVED]
Does some have experience with using Linkedin sales navigator or Dux-soup to find customers?
Are there newsletter databases that offer insights about finding the right newsletters for advertising your product?
Why are there certain twitter posts that include images that perform really bad?
Hi guys, does someone have experience in preparing workshops for companies?
What’s the best CRM and cold email outreach tool you’ve used so far?
My blue check is up for renewal on Twitter. Not sure it’s worth it. What does everyone else think?
Hello everyone! Anyone knows how to setup Stripe for the following context?
Do you guys think it would be a good idea to use a crowd funding platform to finance the building of a mobile application?
Is there a service where I can easily have people writing content to my blog and share the profit with them?
Where can I find info about setting up a company with multiple co-founders across countries?
Can you recommend an API to dynamical make videos given an audio input?
Any feedback on which one should I start of with or any other better way to put the pricing?
Does anyone have a recommendation on a Document AI that can capture data from scanned documents?
When there are two networks with the same ssid. How does our device know which one to connect to?
Are there any slack directories where I can add the community? [SOLVED]
Also, Tiago Ferreira what tool are you using for your cold email outreach?
Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter) is ^^ a good usecase for Hivoe?
So is it worth targetting these to get maybe possible 2nd or 3rd result on the page?
Who are the people in the SaaS space that you enjoy following?